Welcome to the Holderness Historical Society

We are a seasonal organization dedicated to preserving our town’s history, providing educational experiences and informative programs to the public, collecting artifacts and maintaining our museum, and providing an avenue for research.

On August 28, 1961, the first meeting of the Holderness Historical Society was held at the home of Susan Bacon Keith.  Through the next years meetings were held in private homes, the Community Church and the firehouse.  When the New Hampshire Baptist Convention declared the North Holderness Church defunct the Historical Society purchased the building and had it moved from Perch Pond Road to Curry Place in 1994.

**See selected Holderness records under Archives

Museum Hours

Open Saturdays 10 a.m. – Noon
June 15 – September 14, 2024
Or by appointment.  Contact holdernesshistsoc@yahoo.com or call M. Mason 603-968-3334.

Strawberry Shortcake Day at Holderness Historical Society
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at Noon at Holderness Historical Society

Please join us to celebrate and honor Jackie and Mark Marden for all of their work and dedication through the years. Bring your stories and memories. They gave so much to the Holderness Historical Society and Holderness; their presence will always be felt here.

2024 Summer Programs

June 26, 2024 at 7:30 PM
***Live Free or Die: The Contested History of the Words on Your License Plate
Presented by Dan Billin

July 17, 2024 at 7:30 PM   
***Walking in the Woods with Robert Frost: Seeing Nature Through the Words of America’s Most Loved Poet
Presented by Jeffrey Zigmont

***Sponsored by New Hampshire Humanities

See Squam Postcard Collection Courtesy of Peter Francesco

We thank local realtor and selectman Peter Francesco for sharing his extensive Squam postcard collection.


Doing genealogical research?  For the local cemetery information see site maintained by member Carl Sheperd, website.